The Ethiopian Physics Society–North America (EPS-NA)recently announced the establishment of a yearly scholarship award for undergraduate and graduate students of physics in Ethiopian recognition of their academic and research achievements and in the spirit of supporting physics education and research in the country. The scholarship awards which begin as of the year 2013 are:
1. (EPS-NA) Undergraduate Student of the year award
2. (EPS-NA) Graduate Student of the year award
EPS-NA has formally delegated EPS Ethiopia to conduct the screening of candidates in each category (ref. EPS L1-2012, EPS L2-2012).
Applications and Nominations
o To be considered, students may directly apply or be nominated for the award.
o Nominations must come from individuals with direct knowledge of the nominee’s qualifications and achievements. Nominators could be fellow students, administrators, staff, or community members.
o Nominators can only nominate one person for each award.
o Application, nomination and reference forms are available at the Department of Physics, AAU.The forms must be completed and submitted to the secretary of the department not later than the 18th of December 2016.
Selection Criteria
The selection criteria developed by EPS-NA shall be posted at convenient places in the natural science campus. First phase nomination will be announced on the 25th of December 2016.
A good academic standing at the Department of Physics, AAU,is required in order to apply or be nominated for this award.
Selection Criteria
EPS-NA Undergraduate/Graduate Student of the Year Award 2017
Evidence of student scholarly achievement may include (but not limited to):
a. Undergraduate Physics Major students
i. GPA (major and minor cumulative)
ii. Physics-Related Community Service
iii. Department Recommendation
iv. References
b. Graduate Physics Students
i. GPA
ii. Professional Community Service
iii. Research Publications
iv. Research impact
v. Department recommendation
vi. References
A good academic standing at the Department of Physics, AAU,is required in order to apply or be nominated for this award.